While there are other types of scholarships that can either pay or help pay for your son’s college education such as scholastic scholarships, if your high school football player has a reasonable amount of talent, there is an excellent chance that he could be recruited to play college football on either a full ride or a partial athletic scholarship.
These football scholarships are very lucrative; many of them are valued in excess of $150,000 and even more depending on the school. Full ride scholarships pay for tuition, meals, room and board and tutoring among other things. And now, in accordance with new NCAA rulings, some schools are offering four-year full ride scholarships.
Partial scholarships may pay for any number of a combination of expenses, but do not cover everything. Of course, everyone wants to obtain one of the full ride types, but not all schools are required to offer them; only the top level of schools have to offer the full ride type, so the majority of colleges offer some variation of the partial scholarship. Often partial football scholarships are combined with other types of scholarships to ensure that all your son’s college expenses are met.
There are some several thousand colleges in the U.S. that offer football scholarships, so if your son follows a proven plan such as the one clearly taught in this book, there is a very good chance that he will be offered an athletic scholarship to play football at the collegiate level somewhere.
The recruiting process, which consists of developing into the kind of player the college coaches are looking for and getting the coaches to notice your son’s talent is a marathon rather than a sprint. It helps to start early, even as early as the 9th grade to start doing the things necessary to get on the radar of the college coaches. “Get Recruited For A Football Scholarship What 9th, 10th, 1lth, 12th Graders Need To Do” gives you a no nonsense step-by-step plan presented in monthly increments so that you do not become overwhelmed with the total recruiting process all at once.
For example, if your son is a junior, he will be instructed on a monthly basis about what he should be doing that particular month in the recruiting process. You, as parents will also be given incite and instructions about what you can do to help with contact Emails, recruiting profiles, highlight videos, and personal athletic websites – all essential elements of a successful recruiting campaign.
There are many myths surrounding the recruiting process. For example, many parents still think that if their son is good enough, the college coaches will come banging his door down. In fact, this is far from the truth. While there are a few (100 –150) hot elite players in the country every year that will almost automatically be recruited, they are certainly not the norm.
By far, most of the other thousands of high school football athletes and their parents will have to be proactive in the recruiting process. This means that you will have to be instrumental in getting the coaches to notice your son. If one of these scholarships is your dream, then you cannot afford to sit back and wait for the coaches to find you. For one thing, most of them do not have the recruiting budget to travel around looking for talent. They depend on you making contact with them first.
This book, in simple to understand language, guides you through the recruiting process from the 9th grade through the 12th grade and it also ensures that you stay compliant with the NCAA rules. With this book, you will never be alone as you navigate the process. In fact, you will have a recruiting expert with you at all times.